Thursday, 17 October 2013

Mixed feeling!

...that your kid can now count, and read alphabets and numbers is a mixed feeling - especially when she starts recognizing that it is CNN at 311 and not Cartoon Network at 521 with a loO0Oong ad-break...

Gone are the days when I could make her believe that Papa is indeed waiting for cartoons to start up by showing her a C and N on TV screen - these days she not only grabs the remote to punches the number, but confirms too that it is indeed the channel airing her favourite show!

Friday, 19 July 2013

A simple solution (...again!)

A simple solution (...again!)                                                                                        31-Jul-2013

TV – la Television, although educational, but is a medium which constantly bombards you with advertisements which, needless to say, influence children the most. Fortunately, we have found a solution – things are either for grownups, or she already has it ( or a close substitute “it”), or is very expensive (...fiscal responsibility in young age, remember...) or in simpler words, requires a lot of money.
But yesterday she found a way for that as well – we were told “I’ll get that when I’ll grow up....the whole bunch of money...errr I’ll take that from you”.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Learning Python - CodeSkulptor

Learning Python..or in fact any other language has never been so easy! Coursera ( is currently conducting an online course named as "Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python" - conducted by Rice Univercity. (  There I was introduced to "CodeSkulptor" (

"CodeSkulptor is a browser-based programming environment for the programming language Python. CodeSkulptor runs in Google Chrome 18+, Mozilla Firefox 11+, and Apple Safari 6+. Some features may work in other browsers, but do not expect full functionality. It does not run in Microsoft Internet Explorer."
For using this, you don't need to install anything on your system, it loads as a web-page, but after loading any Internet connection is NOT required. Best part of CodeSkulptor is a module named "simplegui" - which allows you to write GUI programs in a few lines of code. 

Only thing I didn't like is that "simplegui" could not be downloaded and used like other Python module which could be "imported".

Here're the "games"  which I created for mini-projects/assignments: 

Friday, 24 May 2013

Funny, but many a variations of this game are still played around…

“Water is deep and you don’t know how to swim, so please be careful” – cautioned Mulla Nasreddin, but the old, ugly, niggardly and cruel but wealthy man did not hesitate from entering into the lake as he knew for sure from his informed sources that this magical water could cure his permanently hunched back.  It didn’t take long – definitely not more than a blink, and there he was - gasping for air, throwing up his hands continuously, and desperately trying to keep his head above water. Mulla Nasreddin, not willing to be blamed for this undesirable creature's departure, said loudly, “Hey Mister, give me your hand, give me your hand”! The cruel miser hesitated – in his whole life he had never given anything to anybody, so he continued his struggle. Other watchful onlookers too – as if prompted by a cue – started the chorus, “Give me your hand…”.

Funny, but many a variation of this game are still played around…

PS - for those who are interested in the fate of old man, there happened to be a young soul around- a bit naive, foolish and hence under the perennial debt, who, in the hope of getting a big-reward which he never got - told the scrooge, "Take my hand, Mister".

Life...ain't it?

Monday, 29 April 2013

Starting again...

Till three months back I was cycling almost daily. Almost, because my 'daily' translates into 3 times a week to work. Then it happened - the seat nut refused to take my abuse and it snapped - not once, but twice. When it happened first time, I was happy - confident that new nut makes me safe for almost next one year, but it didn't take 15 days or 10 rides to happen it again. It is dangerous if not just bad when you are riding on a busy road. So, I was made to shun this healthy practice of cycling to work by myself, and by my family as well. I had to start an on-line hunt for a perfect solution - perfect, as well as inexpensive. Finally, I found not a solution, but a temporary "jugad" that I could just use a steel nut which I may get for 10 bucks from local hardware shop, but still I lacked faith on this mechanical contraption. It was 3 months that I mustered enough courage to be back on the road - I rode to work this morning.

Today it was like first time again - except the fact that I knew the distance, the effort it takes, and I was familiar with the terrain, road and was fairly confident that my workplace is not that far. But it was tough - 3 months were enough to make me lazy. I was expecting a cool breeze in my hair kind of feeling, but instead it was slow and unsteady me, constantly huffing and puffing, who almost felt at times that it is not possible. But yes, I did it, would do it again in the evening, and in the coming days as well.

PS - It took around an hour and 10 minutes for me to cover 13.8km. It was not time - I would have saved at the most 15 minutes had I been cycling constantly from past 3 months - but it was the effort which I felt that it took too much this time.

PS-II - My on-line buddies form BBC - the Bangalore Bicycling Club, a Google Group -  have told me tha it is a fairly common problem with my riding machine - a Herculeus Act Rider 110. It is a design defect and happens to the most of cycles.  Even the manufacturing company acknowledges it and if you go to some designated dealers, they do provide you a replacement. But having said that none of them said that they will buy anything again from Herculus.....I can understand that- when a monstrous bus trying to touch your backside on road - it doesn't take seconds for brand-loyalty to vanish in such cases - replacement or no-replacement, Indian-brand or foreign brand - it is better to shun the sub-standard items / companies like these.

Monday, 25 March 2013

RTO Stories - moving your vehicle from one state to other - in India (Delhi to Bengaluru)

Unlike those lucky ones who could easily change cars whenever they have to change cities, I still have not reached there. So, on moving to Bangalore from Delhi I decided to take my car too - primarily because I did not have any other option, other than to go back to my five years' back "be-car" state.

So, simple steps are:

1. Get NOC from the RTO where your vehicle was registered. It was Delhi, Sheikh Sarai in my case.

2. Then the slightly bigger - if not difficult step is:

     2A. Pay Road tax in the state where you want to register, go to RTO, pay road-tax (life-time tax, for the remaining life of your car).

     2B. Register your car in new state. This step is not exactly necessary, and if you are in love with your old number, don't do it. But if you want a refund of (the remaining part of) Road tax paid (at Delhi, in my case), go for it.

Getting NOC at Delhi:

May 1st week, 2012: This was a very easy step for me. Though I did contact some "agents" initially, but their rates were on higher sides (for me...) and their replies were - at the best - evasive. So I decided to at least try my hand on this. 

Delhi's Transport Department's website ( has got list of everything you need to do in this case. I got following documents  - note that they might be slightly more than those listed on the site, but then I wanted to
avoid a second visit.

1. Application on form 28 (in Quadruplicate..quadruplicate bole to... 4 copies) - filling it is not a great deal, but make sure that you do imprint you vehicle's chassis number with an HB pencil - do it vertically, on the right where it doesn't overwrites/hides any text.
2. Attested copy of the registration certificate - i.e. your RC smart card

3. Evidence of payment of road tax up-to-date -generally your RC says "LTT Paid", so #3 is good enough.

4. Or no road tax dues certificate from the tax-collection authority- not required for a personal vehicle (or...again, #3 was enough here, I don't know).

5. Valid PUC/ Valid Insurance.

Following documents are not listed there ( I had added these usual, cautious, over-documenting ways...and I think a few of them were suggested by the official there.)

6. Your vehicle's insurance - photocopy.

7. ID proof - DL and PAN - copies and not original.

8. Photocopy of address proof - of the place where you will be residing _after_ your vehicle is there  - now, I admit that this one is a googly, but in my case it happened that my wife already had to go there, the organization she's working for was helpful enough to give a letter saying something in that affect. Alternative - you might see if affidavit and rental agreements could work for you....after all the numerous "Xerox" shops there do have a reason to exist.


1. Get your documents verified by the official there, second floor ( I may not be accurate about the floor, but it is either 2nd or 3rd, and all the things are here only, no need to go to any other case you can recall the correct one, please do mention it in the comments). At that time Mr. Om Prakash was there - he puts his signature on the top form # 28,  and this is what the person who collects document later on look out for.

This person is a gentleman, a true gem, most of the things (like fee, document collection) end at one in the afternoon, but documents could be verified at any time during office hours. My brother went there at 3 PM, found that documents could not be submitted, somehow bumped into him, and he was like "Son, come tomorrow before one, but yes, I could verify the documents" and then he put his signatures on that. You won't find too many chaps like him - not just in Delhi, but at other places too.

2.  Submit the forms - room number 6 (on left side),  counter 3, the second from right (again, on second floor, but I'm not sure, please just ask before going there)- this counter is meant specifically for NOC's (and  a few other things). The queues are long, office opening time is 9 am, but people start flocking there at 8. I reached at around 8:55, and had to stand outside that hall, some 25-30 people ahead of me.  Be sure to inquire if it is the right queue because getting this fact known after your reach that window might mean an entire day wasted...saw it happening there. Compared to officials,
mangao-man is not very accommodating in Delhi, so you might have to stand at the back of queue (yes...again!).Talking of people vs officials, the official there reached at dot-9 am, and even then people screamed that baboos are always late. Don't know about officials, but citizens in Delhi do need to improve their manners. 

This person (at counter...) receives the forms, accepts the fee too (if any, e.g. for a vehicle bought through loan), and provides a multitude of services, as a result queue moves at a slow pace. At around 11 I manged to reach the window, he asked me the purpose, asked where are Mr. Om Prakash's  signatures (it was only then I knew that it was important...) - asked me to put the set of forms with his signatures on top,  and took it.  Please note that he didn't give me any receipt, he just took the forms - for any fee etc. he does provide a computerized receipt, but NOC is -wow - FREE, and, maybe because of this  - no receipt...He told me to come back after 10 or 12 days - and get the NOC from the room located opposite to the hall. All this took less than 30 seconds...and my fellow citizens of Delhi kept up with their impatient image!

At that time (one year back) Delhi
RTO site had not mentioned anything about attesting the copies - all it said only that copies are required, so I had not done any attestation of any document. But on that counter I saw an A4 sized notice, listing documents and that they need attested copies. But all that person looked for was for their official's signatures and that all the documents as well as chassis imprints were there.  So, please be sure that you do get your documents verified beforehand - before joining the queue and then accusing them of taking bribes (and of everything else...).

3. Get your NOC - come back after 10 days - or whatever they tell you. Although we - my brother and me, alternatively,made a couple of visits, but this simply takes time - as they need to go through your, or rather, your gadee's  past karma - they need to verify the car's record from NCRB (or is it NRCB..) and all.  People there are helpful - in fact, very helpful, in one of my visit I managed to talk with the official there, told him that I had to go to Bangalore next day (it was true, I had to...) and if he could help me. He did look in all the files himself, asked me to go through the bunch, but since it was simply not done, he couldn't do anything. But yes, please wait for crowd to go, talk nicely, and respectfully too if you happen to be younger than him - he threw out a few other guys who had come there for the same thing. He told me to come later myself, o
r give a proper letter of authority to the person who could come there for me. My brother went there after 4 days and got the papers.

Monies exchanged...Nothing, zilch, zero, nada....NOC is free, so I didn't even pay any fee.

- RTO Sheikh Sarai words for 5 days a week, 9 to 5 (or 6, I am not sure) - i.e. Saturday is an off-day.  Money  ( and in documents too, in some cases) are not accepted after 1 pm.

At Bengaluru - pay road-tax, register your vehicle and then get a Karnataka's how I did that:

Unfortunately, in Bangalore I became lazy (blame the weather, no!) and fell in the traps of a Friendly Neighborhood RTO Agent (will be called FNRA henceforth), to whom "eventually" I had to pay INR500 to get my papers back – papers...basically the original invoice. I panicked and asked it back because first he didn’t give me the break-up of fee, and then mentioned a further fee of INR 5k that would be required to register the car, so I decided to take things in my hand...or at least to verify his claim before spending a fortune on this.

23-Mar-2013: Step-1. Paying Road-tax (LTT) at Bengaluru, and registering it there

Output of this step are: 1. LTT Paid 2. Registering vehicle - with old, DL number

(Actually, this part of the story is bigger and includes a myriad of documents and steps....)

Be equipped…with forms, documents and information: 

1. NOC from Delhi – remains valid for a year (forgot to ask, but since they didn’t object, I guess it was good enough).

2. KMVA27 – get from internet – and as many copies as it asks – i.e. 2. Get the vehicle chassis’ number imprint (with an HB pencil) ahead of your visit – because this is all the MVI – the Motor Vehicle Inspect will do / will ask you to do.

3. Get a self-addressed envelope (self-address with your vehicle number on top, and your phone number as well – you’ll get your smart card in this…), with postal stamps of Rs.17.

4. ...and a transparent, small poly-pack/bag (to put your existing RC – they’ll take that).

5. Address proof – only BSNL land-line bill, election card, DL, Passport are, Water/Electricity bill accepted. If you have anything else then be armed with an affidavit. I had bank address proof, co HR letter and a Vodafone cell-phone bill (just 3…) – so he asked for Rental agreement - since our rental agreement is in the name of my better half, so finally I was told to submit an affidavit (after some half a million of pleeeeze Saar, help me's .).

6. RTO site mentions about ID proof, 3 photos etc. – be sure to take them all

7. Forms needed – contains some extra ones than those listed on RTO - thankfully already added by my FNRA for me in a file:

a. Form 14 – on this the RTO official calculates taxes (after going through vehicle invoice, I had original one).

b. Form 33 – with one photo pasted on it.

c. Form 27 (the official one) – stick one photo on it.

d. The KMVA 27 from RTO site - imprint your chassis number on this (vertically, on the right where it doesn’t hide any text – mind it!)

e. From your old RTO, Form 28 with chassis number imprinted on that

f. NOC – from your old RTO

g. Address proof…I had to give one affidavit (+ a vodafone bill too..)

h. ID proof…DL, PAN card copies

i. Vehicle Insurance copy

j. Vehicle PUC – PUC andre pollution - copy

k. RC – photocopied….yeah, and then they keep original too

Forms a,b,c and d above could be purchased (in addition to the envelopes, affidavit etc.) from the shops at the back of RTO office.

8. Last, but not the least, put all this in a file secured by a tag.

Monies exchanged:

1. LTT – la Life Time Tax – through a DD (SBI Battrahali is around 1.5 km away), get it and then submit it at cash counter

2. Rs.137 – smart card fee at cash counter

3. Rs.20 – for change of address – at cash counter

….join the second queue (from left) in the ‘cash counter’ hall as only that one takes fee for registration form other states.

4. Rs.63 – for biometric sticker – room #5, ground floor.

…and here are the steps...I started at 10, finished at 3:30
on a Staurday:

1. Get your vehicle’s tax estimated – on form 14, first floor, first room the right most counter (opposite to door). He will calculate it and put his signatures, date of assessment too on form 14.

a. If you are lucky, then he will check the papers too and will put his signatures / will tell you to get lost and come again with some other document without which world won’t run…else it would be done later on.

b. Somewhere in the end, they do verify that tax-estimation and submission (which you plan for today, I guess) was done in the same month. 

2. Get DD made (I think they don’t take cash more than 3k), rush to second floor, first room, the left-most counter, get data-entry done from the girl there.

3. Submit DD and other fee for address, smart card on the ground floor – enjoy your time in the crowd, but yes, it was empty till 10:30.

a. If your “data entry” has not been done (at 2nd floor), you’ll be kicked out/back. 

b. Didn’t I say the second queue…?

You will get two receipts here – one of the LTT paid, and the second one for smart-card+address change – 137+20. Keep the original of first receipt (LTT) with you –– with this one, you may, if you wish, exit the process and keep on driving with your old number. Put rest two in the “file”.

4. Then, for Rs.63, get the biometric sticker from Ground floor, Room No-5 – in cash, submitted on that desk itself and he would stick that sticker on the second receipt. 

5. Now go to second floor, second person from left, show him the documents / fee receipts / sticker etc.– at that time he looked for superintendent’s signature on papers (Big S sits on the 1st floor, the one who calculates tax) – his signature means documents re OK (Tax amount verification/calculation and payment are NOT same as “Documents OK”…). 

6. First floor – Mr.Superintendent – may tell you that x is missing – I was asked to bring a rent agreement, then BSNL phone bill, and then water or electricity bill, finally he settled at only an affidavit (+ mobile bill, original – why original, please do _NOT_ ask…a poor chap there was told to bring an affidavit last week and now a rent agreement this week). He would do: 

a. Check documents

b. Put docs in order

c. For me he was gracious enough to staple third photo on a form for which I could not “discover” the place.

d. Tag the documents very-very and very carefully.

He should have verified it earlier, but I guess he likes to meet each honest tax paying citizen at least twice.

7. Now, go to the opposite room (Asst RTO? 1st floor) for his signatures on complete papers.

8. Next step – physical verification of your car by MVI – the motor vehicle inspector – he is the gentleman with khaki police-esque clothes and standing outside (cursing various poor human entities trying their hands on driving ….na na na na it von’t do). Although he disappears more frequently than the Cheshire cat, but luck was on my side that he was standing opposite to my car. He asked me to open the hood and matched pencil-imprint on KMV27 with chassis-number, then signed it - took just a couple of minutes.

9. Go back, ground floor, for MVI’s seal (at the back of a form…was it form 33?). These fellows ask you to travel between first-floor room number 5 from where you would be directed back…which may get stuck in a loop. Finally, I left my papers in room # 5 (2nd floor), and the gentleman told me to wait - that my name would be called after data is entered. Data entry is done on the second floor, so your file would probably move up and then back down, but yes, this is the most relaxing part of this whole process….go out, have some junk food and enjoy. You have paid taxes, have got vehicle inspected…..elephant gone, tail remaining. 

10. Finally get your file and take that to second floor, 2nd counter form right the lady there would make an entry in diary and would give you an acknowledgement for papers that would say that the document will come through speed post.

My habit of constant snooping helped me here as that lady while making an entry in diary did miss one letter of my Delhi’s registration number. 

11. There is no step 11 – at least in the office. Lady there - of step-10 (and the gentleman there as well) told me to rejoice and wait till 30 days and if smart card is not received, only then show my face in the office for inquiry. And for all the future police/traffic-police/RTO officer’s encounters, they told me to shove that acknowledgement on their faces.

Though my forms were complete, but I had most of the things – simple things, except for file and the tag were missing, so every flight from room-x to room-y included a midway visit to next door shops…go get an envelope, an affidavit, and finally the clear plastic pack for RC…plus a million visits in between to buy water as I was told that there is, dear God listen please, no drinking water in that whole office! 

Not a single time they told me two things in a single sentence – so it was first get an envelope, then get a clear plastic one for RC…telling more than one thing in a single sentence will, probably, break whatever oath they took at the time of joining the government service.

Better get all the forms mentioned above (and if RTO site says, extra too), because if anything is missing, they won’t inform you first time…there was a chap who was first told that everything is OK, then to get form 27, and then 33…..I too was told about the biometric sticker after I paid fee and went (back) on 2nd floor for verification of papers...and was told to get signatures of Big S after getting sticker and I went (back, after the last back) for verification round-II...


- At RTO RK Puram - next door photocopy / Xerox shops sell everything e.g. files, tags etc…they even make affidavit, and (hold your breath…) rent agreement and (Ok, this time, please do hold it) electricity bills as well…..

- These shops provide “RTO Services” as well.

- Shall I complain…these shop charge 3/- for a photocopy – which is on the higher side I told them, but aunty there pointed out that next shop is around one km away!

- Language…speak Kannada, or at least understand it…otherwise first they won’t understand English till you start talking in Hindi, at which point you will be told to speak in English ;). But nobody in that office harasses you just because you don’t know the lingua-franca. In fact they even sent their boy with me to show me room #5 to take papers – may be because of (see last line), but they are good – even if slow/not keen on sharing information in a single go.

- Office timings are 10-5 (OK, can’t confirm 5, but they work till at least 3:30…), cash counters remain open between 10-2:30 on weekdays and 10-12:30 on Saturday, and yes, 2nd Saturday of the month is a holiday.

- Those who complain about crowd in Bangalore, please spend one day in Delhi. Even at its peak RTO KR Puram was no match for RTO Sheik Sarai Delhi.

Most stupid thing I did – you won’t even believe it – took my four year ol’ with me (at Bangalore..can't think of it at Delhi).

Getting RC Smart Card :

18-May, 2013: Got it - finally. A KA RC with my good ol' DL number To collect it, go to the second floor, room no.3 (non-Transport vehicles' section...?) and the gentleman sitting next to the lady who issued you the acknowledgement will give you the RC smart-card. Do remember:
1. Take original acknowledgement
2. Inquiry time / time to receive RC is 3:30 to 4:30 pm - and they are very particular about it. (Although if you try to inquire earlier, then try your luck with the lady with computer who sits in the last, extreme right; she will check your acknowledgement number in computer and will tell you if it has been issued /dispatched and dates for that etc. But don't expect any other person to budge even a inch). 

 was told that my RC was dispatched on 27th March - that is on 3rd working day of my original drill - wow. But since I didn't get it, I was told to come again in the afternoon between 3.30-4.30 to get any meaningful information like speed-post reference etc. There was no other option, but to come only in the afternoon. At 3.30 they were friendlier because crowd was less - I was given the register (of speed post entries) to search my name, which was not there, so the gentleman there searched an almirah, some drawers and finally found my card - that poor man was very apologetic about it that they didn't send it through post and that it was just lying there on his desk.

Asked him when could I apply for a KA number, he said that after ONE month (forgot to ask, but I think it is 2 months already gone + 1 month from now...), and that NO forms are required, only an application on plain-paper (...he even told me the wordings - of what to write in that application...), original RC, copies of insurance and PUC. Fee would be INR 200/- and had to be paid on the counter (no draft) - and that counter closes early, and it is only after that I would be able to claim refund from Delhi RTO, where I would be required to send Form16.

Time to rejoice...aint' it?

I'm impressed that if your papers are complete, fee is all paid, then they do create that smarter version of your registration card in just two days - just like it is mentioned on the site. Yes, it is a different matter altogether that somebody missed giving it to the daak-babooo, but still, this is OK-no - chalta hai madi ;), we ourselves are not used to such a fast service! But yes, to those who are reading this in search of some meaningful information, I would advise to check after 2 working days or maybe in a week to know the status of RC-affairs.

Step-2: Re-registering your vehicle in KA:

22-June, 2013:

Today I went back to RTO KR Puram to apply for a Karnataka number for my car. Last time when went there, I paid LTT and then got my car registered in KA (i.e. registered in KA, but with old DL number). I was told to show up after 3 months for this. Though I kind of liked (and more importantly, remembered too) my DL wallah-number, but I’ve been told that DL folks won’t bother to return the tax paid there without this.

Documents required:
1. Application on plain paper – basically your request for the new registration mark
2. CMV27 – that is the form which states “CMV FORM 27 (see rule 54) FOR ASSIGNMENT OF NEW REGISTRATION MARK TO A MOTOR VEHICLE”…filled it, and then got my car’s chassis number too pencil-imprinted (…just in case, but I don’t think it was required). Get it from
3. Photocopies of following documents, all signed (self-attested kinda…):
a. RC – the KA RC/smart-card which I got last time
b. PHOTO copy of tax-receipts
c. Insurance certificate
d. PUC – Pollution under control
4. Original – RC – the KA RC/smart-card which I got last time – you’ll be getting another brand-new card, again.

…though not listed, but still obligatory articles…acquired the four things listed below for INR 30/- from the Xerox shops next door ( door of RTO):
5. A transparent plastic pouch – to keep your present RC safely with `em.
6. A file-cover to put in all the papers
7. A tag to hold everything together – so that papers don't fly around in your visits to different counters.
8. Self-addressed envelope, stamped adequately (Rs.17 for within Bangalore) for speed-post.

1. Go to first floor (Room #3, DL section…Was it DL?), right most / first counter – the gentleman there will go through your papers and then on the application you've written, put his signatures and the amount of fee to be paid (Re-registration INR200/- and SmartCard INR200/-) - all in red-ink.
2. Ground floor, the hall with cash-counters, second counter (from left…), they’ll take 337(200-Reassignment and 137 – SC).
3. Ground floor, room no. 5 (outside the cash-counters’ hall), pay 63/- to get the bio-metric sticker (or something big-sounding thing like that, of the size of a postal stamp) affixed on receipt you got in the last step.
4. Go to second floor – this time the seating positions were changed there (yes, I had mugged-up / crammed-up everything in my earlier post....), to the second counter form right, show the gentleman there your papers, he verified fee, documents and signatures), and asked me to give it to lady in the right most (the first one) counter.
5. Voilla! The last counter. Here too the papers were verified, and I was told to submit both the receipts from Step-2, original as well as the carbon-copy; and then when everything was good, to sign the application (sign it again…may be to confirm that I am who I am). She took the file from me and issued me the acknowledgement– just like the last time – and told me that my new RC will follow me to my home in next 30 days.

Time in my watch - 11:22! Finished in one hour straight - wow! I had to wait at a couple of counter, but yes, I did spend that time well in a series of free mini-lectures of "how to..." and on advising people to get file-n-other-accessories.

Total fee I paid – INR 400/- the chap issuing those bio-metric stickers is so good/nice/honest that in the morning I was given two-tenners less because he didn't have the change. Later on when I was going back, he saw me – he called me in, and then gave me back those twenty rupees. Guys, now dare you complain about corruption. Instead complain about you yourself being lazy, and/or ignorant for falling into traps of those agents/guides who do a “May I help you” the moment you step down from your vehicle.

After 11 the cash counters were full with long queues, and crowd spilling out from that room. But at 10:45 when I paid the fee, I was, I think the 3rd one in the queue – come early.

This time – with well equipped with file-cover, envelope, a tag and the plastic-pouch – I didn’t have to step out of the office. IMHO, in addition to the documents' list, they shall list these things too.
They did _NOT_ do any vehicle inspection…I should have come on my cycle!
Photographs/ ID proof/residential proof - no, nothing, nopes, nahin, enu-illa - these were NOT asked for.

So, here am I – again waiting for a new RC.

27-June, 2013: Today - in fact yesterday, as it was delivered yesterday - my RC card - a KA RC with KA number on it found me at my home - it reached by speed-post. Nice job is not just me being happy for a non-visit, but I just talked with another person too who got his RC in just one week! Wow, and yes, thank-you.

Next Mission:

Get refund of LTT paid (for rest of the life my car) at Delhi....I'm now on with my usual step-0, the on-line search. For some reason I've not been able to find form-16 (the document which will enable me to demand, OK, request my money back) on RTO Delhi's site ( I'm absolutely sure that this was there in April/May-2012...may be, I'm looking at the wrong place - will do it again after the initial euphoria usual, wish me luck, guys!

January 20th (or so...) 2014

Reporting this from New Delhi - all-negatives on chances my tax refund (in my case).

Managed to go to RTO office - the place where my car was registered earlier - at afternoon, 3:30pm - office was empty from crowd as well as from staffers, but whoever I got hold to was available (eager...?) to talk. After being ping-ponged to a number of rooms/officers I finally waited for the final one for half-an-hour. While waiting I spotted another officer and presented my case to him. He said that he knows about it as he had worked on that "seat", and:

1. It cannot be done now as I should have asked for refund _before_ I got the KA number (just summarizing it. he repeated it many times - always slightly differently, so I do doubt it. sometimes he said even _before_ getting NOC, then _after_ NOC and so on).
2. If I get it, it would be for 2-3 years and not for 9-10 years, because:
2A. As per him - in Delhi they take money for 10 years and then provide additional 5 years free. (huh!!??), so all the calculation will be done on base-10.
2B. Refund will be calculated from the day of receiving my request (and not the day of NOC / KA registration / Moving to KA etc.).
3. therefore it is not worthwhile - as the refund amount for my 2007 model car won't be too much. As per him - the total cost of my worn up shoes plus headache-pills will be more that the amount I would eventually be getting.
However, since I was kind of keen to know the procedure, he told me to write to Head-Office (and NOT this RTO), to Accounts Officer with an application on plain paper, accompanied by documents (listed below) and I may see a cheque in around TWO YEARS.
1. Old RC Photocopy (initially he said original, but then told that even photocopy will work)
2. New KA RC photocopy
3. PUC
4. Insurance
5. Tax-receipt (photocopy) at KA
6. Tax-receipt at DL (Oops. I lost it. so looks like my RC (SC) too would be OK)
6. Address proof
6. And everything else. I don't know. he stared with just send the application and then whatever I mentioned, he said "daal do" (i.e. just enclose that too with application) for things like NOC copy and all that is listed above.

(I'm still confused - was it a case of a congenial, but incompetent person or did he really know the things!!).

Well. although I am now counting it as my zero-money, but I think I won't be giving up on this - planning to just send this all by registered post, cross my figures. followed by an RTI application after, say, 2-4 months to know the status. Even if I know that it is all-negative, I do have a right to know why (methinks).

There was one thing which I really felt bad about - he told me that I should not have gone for KA registration etc. and he boasted how he saved and saves his kinds-n-kins from cops/RTO's across the states all over my country. A very absurd advice - that I should have contacted some local leader/eminent personality there, and then whenever caught, claim to be his/her (leader's) relatives etc. Boy, are all these rules meant just for us - the ones who are ready to go by the book?

PS - I was told "Baboo Jee. ab ke agar wapis aao, to car wahan hee bech ke aana aur yahan nayee khareed lena. refund ke chakkar me mat fir se fasna"

PS-II: In Haryana, Faridabad the cost of HSRP is INR 300/- - you apply for it, and then you'll get an SMS for the date/time to have it fixed.

19-Apr-2014 plans of peaceful-life-at-Bangalore ended! Going back - to FBD, so I'll be doing this drill again - NOC at KA, registration at FBD,  and finally - refund at BLR, KA. I think I've lost my DL refund money, but I'll definitely try to get my money from KA - keep on watching folks - I promise that I would write that all here.