Monday, 2 February 2015

A simple solution (...again!)

A simple solution (...again!)                                                                                        31-Jul-2013

TV – la Television, although educational, but is a medium which constantly bombards you with advertisements which, needless to say, influence children the most. Fortunately, we have found a solution – things are either for grownups, or she already has it ( or a close substitute “it”), or is very expensive (...fiscal responsibility in young age, remember...) or in simpler words, requires a lot of money.
But yesterday she found a way for that as well – we were told “I’ll get that when I’ll grow up....the whole bunch of money...errr I’ll take that from you”.

The Monday morning...

The Monday morning...                                                                                                          15-Jul-2013

"No...stay at home with me" - the morning scene today.
"But", I protested, "I need to go my office - I have to work there".
"Work at home - we'll play".
"But they pay me to attend to buy chocolate from Safal".
Her glittering eyes told that she had, indeed, found the solution - and an obvious one on that.
"Come with me for money", she said," we'll go an ATM and not the office".

It was not scripted...

It was not scripted...                                                                                                   27-Jul-2013

Pretty old, pretty lame - a PJ or poor-joke, but it happened today.
All the running around the home,or in fact, an attempt to fly was duly rewarded when she hit something - one of her toys lying on the floor. She didn't fall, but was obviously in some pain. That is what happens in these situations - eyes swollen with tears and her Doctors' kit was handed over to me with a demand for a thorough check-up. I was explained that her left foot is hurt and she's having trouble in walking as she can't lift it up.

"Oh!", I said, "how high does it go now" - it was an obvious effort for her to move foot for around an inch or so.
"...and, how high were you able to lift the same foot earlier?".
Needless to say, but "Doctor" was successful this time too!

It is fun, ain't it?

It is fun, ain't it?                                                                                                                28-Jul-2013

Drawing - not a great artist, or even an artist, but for me it is fun. For my kid, it is double the fun...and when we're doing it together, it is fun-unlimited...we just don't draw, but fight for pencils, eraser and colours as well.
Needless to say that we don't draw much together, but that one hour spent together is the best part of the day.