Welcome page!

Welcome to this site - not sure why are you here. Not you, but it is I am who is "not sure" here that why would you visit this place. So, here are some clues. If you are visiting this page for cycling  (or for my experiences with using my new foldie...yes, I'm showing off...), then there is little of it as well and you can go to this link for cycling. Apparently I am linked to technology as well - to see what I know, and like to share as well, go to this link.  Apart from cycling and coding I've moved myself - including my family and my car too, a few times and now I can share my own RTO etc. experience for car registration (in fact re-registration) as well - check this for RTO and registration kind of things.Photography - that is what everybody with a working camera or a camera phone does, so I thought to include it as well.

Well, if you're looking forward to know something about me, then I think I had tried to give some vague philosophy about me and my bicycle etc.- read here!

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