Friday, 20 March 2015

You are not stuck in traffic, but you are traffic yourself.

As a cyclist I don't need music to keep me interested...the mystery that the SUV next to me can turn either side any moment without indicating may even kill me! But still it was fun yesterday when NH2 was blocked by the protesters. Although the traffic was being diverted, but it did create a jam, a pile up of all the vehicles trying to take to the bypass road. So, what did I do - just got down from the bus, unfolded my colourful "tern" and rode on it. It was not exactly a zipping between cars-n-bus due to close extent people like to drive their vehicle to the next one, but still I was moving. The sheer joy of reaching home on time beats everything else.

Got a lot of thumbs up when I was sliding past the cars, some were curious, some were dismissive, some were plain jealous, but I do home that I must have inspired a few more to ride. As they say, you are not stuck in traffic, but you are traffic yourself; so come out and break this deadlock, be free!

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